Frosty times in Talent

The last couple of days have been pretty frosty, so I thought I'd take a few pictures of frosty weather. Fortunately, no snow.

Yesterday (12/03/11) I got out to get the paper and was greated by this frosty sculpting. Here's a little closer shot of the frosty tendrils. Some of those tendrils are as long as 3/4 inch.

While some of the frost disappeared yesterday (but it barely got above freezing, even though the paper said Medford was around 45), there was even more this morning, I think. Here's what a bush looked like. Here's a wild asparagus plant. This is as pretty as a Christmas tree. The field below the house has interesting stalks in it. Looking up Adams Road from the mailbox I saw some deer. Looking the other way the neighbor's fence is an interesting picture. A bit later the sun came out (briefly), giving a brighter look, but still still frosty. A little later it was back to gloomy, but pretty. And here we are at 4:00pm, with the temperature claimed to be 45 degrees in Medford, but only 32 out here in the country.