
I've taken more shots of flowers than anyone should (maybe). Be nice if I knew the names of more of them. If I think I know more than I do, feel free to point out my errors.

Early May

Somewhere near Green Valley, I caught bees on this thistle blossum.

On the way home from Green Valley, we stopped by Timber Cove to see Tanna and Stephen, and on a walk Salt Point State Park we saw yellow lupine, a carpet of mostly yellow flowers, with a closeup, a shot with more variety in color, and then so one doesn't think the coast is predominantly yellow, here are some wild iris in blue.

Back home in Oregon

Amelia's alpine garden was coming on, here shown from the front steps, and then toward the front steps. Other shots around the yard show a cream colored California poppy, and regular orange poppies.

OK, this isn't a flower, but it's a pretty nice shot of a double rainbow.

Here's a dogwood on the Rogue River.

Getting back to our yard a little later, we had iris, we had petunias, we had those purple bushes, we had a few azaleas, we had the beginnings of my garden, we had the beginnings of a bountiful crop of pyracantha, and finally, my birthday Korean dogwood, doing well after only a few weeks in the ground.

On a walk along Bear Creek Greenway, this pond of wild yellow iris, but then back to our yard for this Japanese iris, some pansies, a rhododendren, and a mock orange.

Limpy Creek

In early june we went to visit Linda and Ron, and then took us to the Limpy Creek Botannical Trail. There was an amazing display of wildflowers along the trail, most of which I do not know the names. But here they are: Looks like a columbine, some dainty white ones, Lamb's ear, purple and white one, some mixture of alpine flowers, many more of the purple and whites, interesting yellow flowers, some kind of different purple flowers, long stems of white flowers, dogwood, more white guys, yet a different kind of purple flower, a kind of delicate rose colored flower, a yellow flower, and finally, a wild lilac, or ceanosis.

Home again

Back at the "ranch", I took this picture of a wild rose, and this shot of vetch and yarrow in the foreground, our house roof to the right, and looking out across the Bear Creek Valley toward Talent. This shot shows vetch and wild roses in the foreground, and the valley south of Medford in the background. The little peak toward the left is Roxy Ann. Up on Mt. Ashland one day I took a picture of manzanita in bloom. Here is a nice flower and some nice "bluebells" (I don't think so, but ...). We frequently have wind here, probably because of this girl in among the roses and jasmine.

Hald-Strawberry Park

On a hike in Hald-Strawberry Park in Ashland we saw blue flowers, and then some more flowers of blue. There is lots of manzanita, here showing dark red bark, pealing to yellow and red, and showing some of the weathered inner core where the bark split long ago. Here is an interesting flower, and some more blues and purples. Not everything in the park is so benign, considering that most of the picture behind and to the right of me is poison oak.

Back home again

In Amelia's alpine garden, the Jerusalem sage ae looking pretty spectacular. The St. John's Wort is blooming nicely at the end of June, too. Skipping now to mid-August, my rose is still blooming spendidly. Ian's garden of Roadside melon and Rhubarb is coming along nicely, but Fiona's garden is suffering a bit. Meanwhile, this elderberry is apparently trying to figure out whether it is spring or fall, with both ripe elderberries and new blossums on it. Now, finally, after attempting to grow Devil's Claw for a couple of years, two came up this year (I found out this year that they sometimes take several years to sprout), and they have a very interesting flower and fruit (as long as it doesn't get loose). I'll post some pictures of the claws as they develop.