Some catchup stuff, back in May, June, and July

We had a tree swallow in our birdhouse. While we don't have a lot of rain in the late spring and summer, we sometimes have nice clouds. We had some visitors, and here they all are on the Bear Creek Greenway: Stephen, Tanna, and Hailey, with Wicket at left, Rabia in foreground, and Tate behind.

Down to Benicia in June

While there, we attended Fiona's kindergarten graduation. We went to the T-ball award ceremonies, where Ian received his trophy for being an oustanding T-ball player (as they all were). Way to go, Angels! Later, I took this shot in Evan's and Laura's backyard. The peach tree is doing well! We went to a community festival at the park, and Fiona and Ian enjoyed some ice cream. On the way back to the minivan, there was some clowning around. Then back home for more clowning around, and finally to the park where Fiona demonstrated her climbing ability.

Back home

I shot a few pictures around the yard: penstemmons, blackberries (looks like a good crop of blackberries this year, starting soon), crocosmia, mock orange, common yarrow and purple wallflower, and St. John's wort.

On June 29, we had a spectacular sunset, although in truth the picture is more spectacular than the sunset itself (it's the camera, I didn't enhance it in any way).

We have a number of butterfly bushes, and many butterflies around the yard. Here is a swallowtail on a butterfly bush. Also on the 4th of July, we went to Hanley Farms to see the replica of the Wright Flyer they had borrowed from the Wings of History Air Museum in San Martin, CA. The gentleman in the picture is Jim Spence, an Orville Wright reenactor. The next morning a couple of redtail hawks were soaring over the house. Our magnolia trees have more than the usual number of blossumsthis year. This one will have opened up nicely by the next day, and, having a short life, not more than two days later (maybe one), will look like this.